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The RC (UK) endorses the GoodSAM app

We are very pleased to be supporting GoodSAM; an innovative and powerful app allowing healthcare professionals and laypersons trained in CPR to respond to out-of-hospital emergency situations.

The Resuscitation Council (UK) 2015 Guidelines place an increased emphasis on the importance of starting CPR as quickly as possible when someone suffers a cardiac arrest; for every minute’s delay the chances of survival decrease rapidly. GoodSAM was created in an attempt to use mobile technology to address the inevitable delay while the emergency services respond, by simply taking advantage of the skills of those people in the vicinity who can start CPR and use an AED if appropriate.

Once a 999 call has been received by the emergency services, those closest to the incident receive an alert along with a map showing the exact location of the victim, position of the nearest AED, and how to navigate to the victim. GoodSAM will continue to alert those registered until someone indicates they can attend the victim.

Mark Wilson, Consultant in Neurological Surgery and Prehospital Care Specialist and co-developer of the app, points out that considerable care has been taken to ensure that any individual who registers with GoodSAM is appropriately trained, whether a healthcare professional or layperson.

The app also shows the location of over 13000 defibrillators and encourages people to inform them of the locations of more fixed defibrillators.

'GoodSAM is a powerful tool, using modern technology, that can make a difference in an emergency situation. I would encourage all those trained in resuscitation to download the app and register as a responder. We look forward to watching this fantastic app succeed and its progress’ explains Dr Carl Gwinnutt, President of the Resuscitation Council (UK).

For more information on the app; how it works and how to sign up visit -

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